No one knows your reporting needs better than you. That’s why we designed ReportBuilder as a rich, interactive reporting tool with you,
the builder, in mind. Now you can easily
- Create Custom Reports
- Use flexible reporting templates
- Copy, preview and batch print reports
- Import new and custom reports
- Look at data in the future or in the past
Nothing helps you manage more effectively than a clear, concise report. ReportBuilder can be customized by each user. This means
- Construction
- Sales
- Finance
- Customer Service
- Quality Control
can each view, print and save their own reports, all using the same program.
Types of Reports
Here are some of the report templates installed with ReportBuilder:
Cycle Time Report
Cycle Time Reports measure the actual number of working days between milestones either by unit or by phase average. Studying the Cycle Time
Report can show you the specific points where lots are falling behind your company’s performance average. Once you know this, you can really
fine-tune your profit and performance.
Flash Report
Flash Reports show units in the left column and allows the user to choose activities for the top columns. You can choose which type of dates
you want to see on the report. The Flash Reports are especially useful for communications with the sales office, customer service and the
List Report
List Reports allow the selection of any words from the TracTime Activities list. You can then view these activities by any of the dates
in TracTime and you can compare any two dates using selectable fields. You also have the ability to filter using specific, selectable date
ranges. The List reports could also be appropriately “to do lists”. With the List Reports you can generate what has to be done to a lot
or lots, what has to be done today or when specific activities have to be done.
Summary Report
The ReportBuilder Summary Report is similar to TracTime’s Summary Report. Now you can choose the columns to be included, show unit detail
and filter each column as desired. With the Summary Report you can view 18 critical pieces of information about your lot or lots. You can
also filter the information and place the information in any order. Many builders save several customized Summary Reports. Some of the most
popular Summary Reports are
- Every Lot 5 or More Days Behind Schedule
- All Escrow Closings Next Month
- All Construction Starts This Month
- Lots Closed Last Quarter
- Customer Walks This Week
As you can see, the possibilities are endless.
Each template is used to create and customize its own specific report. You may create and save as many reports as you wish using the installed